Thursday, 15 September 2016

SHOW-OFF AND TELL #37 - J.G. Clay - Tales of Blood and Sulphur

#37 in the Show-Off and Tell is the latest one to fall through my letterbox. At the time of typing this, it has arrived just in time for the end of J.G. Clay week.

It is the wonderful short story collection, Tales of Blood and Sulphur.

I have mentioned before that I came across this one completely by accident and it is one of those accidents that I will be eternally grateful for. This, my friends is one of the greatest collections of short stories I have ever read. I will be surprised if any collections I read in the future will come close. Now there is a challenge if ever I wrote one!

Getting to know Mr Clay over this past couple of weeks while doing the interview and other stuff, it has hit me what an absolute genuine gentleman he is. Unassuming, modest and always happy yet with a writing style that is an absolute killer. It is a great, great pleasure of mine to add this one to the shelf.

This is my copy:

This is also quite a rare copy by all accounts. This is one of the originals before the original publisher fell by the wayside so I am even more privileged to own this one.

Thankfully, the content hasn’t changed one bit. This one is going on to the special favourite shelf.

I also have no idea what he is going on about with the baldie thing. I have been reliably informed that this is J.G. Clay in real life!

You can read my review of Tales of Blood and Sulphur below.

You can buy Tales of Blood and Sulphur here:


J.G Clay is definitely a Man of Horror. There can be no doubt. Putting aside the reverence he has for the horror greats, such as King, Barker, Herbert, Carpenter, Romero and Argento, there is another fact that defines his claim for the title of the 'Duke of Spook'. He was born on Halloween night. By a quirk fate, it was also a full moon that night. Co-incidence?

Here at Clay Towers, we don't believe in coincidences.

The 41-year-old hails from the Midlands in the United Kingdom, is married with one step child and two dogs that bear a strong resemblance to Ewoks. Beyond the page and the written word, he is music mad and can hold down a tune on a bass guitar pretty well. He is an avid reader and also has an enduring love of British sci-fi, from the pages of the '2000A.D' comic to the televised wanderings of Gallifrey's most famous physician. Clay is also a long-time fan of the mighty Birmingham City Football Club and endures a lot of flak from his friends for it.

And for more about J.G. visit his site, or find him on social media:

Website – Facebook – Twitter - Goodreads – Amazon Page

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