Wednesday 4 February 2015


This blog is the result of my growing passion for book reviewing and my desire/need to share all the good things (and occasionally bad) that I read in a book or discover on websites or other blogs....about books.

I aim to post a new blog every week or more frequently if I have something that's on my mind or generally just want to rant about whatever.

The blog is 95% book related however, you will notice, I have tabs for my other big loves, motorbikes and music. The motorbike tab will be full of pictures of......motorbikes....both my own and other peoples. I will also feature links to any upcoming races I would recommend and also coverage of MotoGP when the new season starts in March. The music tab will be I fancy.

In the coming weeks I will be posting interviews with some fantastic authors who have offered some of their valuable time to answer my questions. This will kick off in a few weeks with an interview with British horror and thriller writer Iain Rob Wright with a little exclusive from him as well.

Please feel free to add comments on any of my posts/pages and if you want me to host something for you on my blog or have any other questions, please email me at

If you have come across the page by accident, thank you for visiting. If you purposely brought yourself here then I hope you found what you were looking for and in each case, I hope you liked it enough to return.

Either way can I please please please ask you all to follow me here (by email is best) and my Facebook page and Twitter.

Finally, this is brand new for me. I want to get it out into the big bad world. Can you share it for me please? You can share it on any social media site you may be connected to.....and get all your friends and their friends to share as well!



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