Thursday, 12 May 2016


I'm running a bit short on these so this is your chance to get yours published soon!

Notice how I didn’t say authors in the title?

Yes. That’s right. I am after anyone who would like to participate now! Let’s face it, there is a writer inside all of us just begging to get out.

If you have no idea what I am talking about then visit the Past, Present and Future page here.

It is a section full of guest posts where the writer in question talks about books in their, you guessed it, Past, Present and Future.

This has proved to be a very popular feature over this past twelve months on the blog and I want to see if I can spice things up a little bit by giving you, the readers, an opportunity to be included.

What I am after is a guest post where you would talk about your influences, likes and dislikes in the world of books from your earliest memory, right through to the future that none of us know about yet.

If you fancy sharing your life experiences of books with loads of other like-minded people, and maybe help them with suggestions of some of your favourites then please get in touch at

This is still, of course, open to authors as well and I am running a bit short on entries so if any of you lovely lot would like something posted soon, give me a shout!



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